Sync the data
you want with the
system you know


Bidirectional Microsoft Business Central Integration with HubSpot


Longys Soft Drink wanted to enhance its lead nurturing by transferring data from its existing Microsoft Business Central platform to HubSpot and returning it to its Business Central platform. So, it was a bidirectional integration project.


  1. Longys Soft Drink needed real-time data synchronization between Microsoft Business Central and HubSpot. Once integration is set up, any new addition to their Business Central data is automatically added to HubSpot, which is then processed accordingly and sent back to Business Central.
  2. The integration managed various data types, including companies, contacts, deals, and products, which aligned with the HubSpot data sets.
  3. The Computan integration experts were tasked to ensure compatibility between Microsoft Business Central (which uses REST and JSON responses) and HubSpot.
  4. Developing a robust middleware solution to handle the data transfer without loss or duplication.


Longys Soft Drink partnered with Computan integration developers to address these challenges. Computan's team, skilled in web development and integration, suggested solution using Laravel to create a middleware that facilitated seamless data transfer between the two platforms.


  1. Our integration developers built a Laravel-based middleware to connect Microsoft Business Central and HubSpot. This middleware handled data transfer and synchronization.
  2. The middleware enabled bidirectional integration data flow, ensuring that any updates in Microsoft Business Central were reflected in HubSpot and vice versa.
  3. The middleware was designed to handle complex data structures, including companies, contacts, deals, and products, ensuring accurate data representation in both systems.
  4. With the integration in place, Longys Soft Drink was able to leverage HubSpot's robust CRM capabilities to nurture leads effectively, using data transferred from Microsoft Business Central.


The integration streamlined Longys Soft Drink's operations, reducing manual data entry and minimizing errors. With accurate and real-time data in HubSpot, the client could better manage and nurture leads, improving customer engagement and conversion rates. The bidirectional integration ensured that both platforms had consistent and up-to-date information, facilitating better decision-making. The seamless flow of information provided Longys Soft Drink with valuable insights into their business processes and customer interactions.


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